Live Event: The Science of Hypnotizability with Dr. Spiegel and Danny "Nitro" Clark

The Science of Hypnotizability and the three clinically-backed brain styles - Reveri exclusive event!

Learn from Dr. Spiegel, Associate Chair of Psychiatry at Stanford School of Medicine, and special guest Danny Lee Clark - a living example of the transformative power of hypnosis.

In this event, we covered a LOT. We also maxed out our Zoom capacity! Thank you all for attending, asking such wonderful questions, and being open to learning about your unique brain qualities.

What we covered:

  1. An overview of hypnotizability and the three brain styles, based on a lifetime of research.
  2. What taking the hypnotizability test will do for you.
  3. Spotlight on Danny: He shares his touching and remarkable story with hypnosis, starting as a young boy.
  4. Dr. Spiegel demos the hypnotizability test with Danny, and shares his results.
  5. A brief hypnosis session led by Dr. Spiegel for the whole group, on the topic of focus and performance.
  6. Quick summary and advice from Dr. Spiegel on how to make the most of hypnosis based on your brain style.
  7. Words of wisdom from the legend himself, Danny.

If you do not yet have Reveri, DOWNLOAD IT HERE on an iPhone or Android, and take the test in the Science tab. :test_tube:

Additional relevant resources:

Next week, we will post all the questions asked during today’s event here in this post, along with their answer. Please come back next week for that!


Awesome! Thank you :heart:

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Q&A: Answers to Questions Asked During the Event

  1. From muzafar ahmed : If we really dumb down the definition of hypnotizability is it the same as suggestibility? If not how is it different? Answer: Hypnotizability is our ability to experience changes in response to suggestions in hypnosis. Some people do refer to this as suggestibility, yes, although there is more to it. The most important measure of your success with hypnosis is how you feel and behave afterward, and expectancy (expecting hypnosis to work) does play into your results. Being able to create changes in your life with hypnosis is an incredibly powerful skill, and we want to explain this in the most helpful way. Thus, we use the term “hypnotizability.”
  2. From muzafar ahmed : Can my hypnotisability profile indicate what kind of careers I would be better suited for ? Answer: Yes, it can. But it can also indicate how you act in relationships and in your personal time. As your hypnotizability reflects your brain style, it indicates qualities about the way you think and process information, make decisions, and interact with others.
  3. From Pavlo Shtefanesku : Is it possible to have a different profile in different situations/modds? Answer: Very good question. Indeed, the environment you’re in and your relationship/rapport with your hypnotist can play into your hypnotizability test results. If you don’t fully trust your hypnotist or are not comfortable during the test, or if you are in a group setting rather than being 1:1, these circumstances can interfere with your results.
  4. From Ling Tan : Can we be a mixed type depending on the situation? Based on the test and my personally observation, I’m highly hypnotizable and my profile is a poet. But I also like to dig into the root of problems and learn all about them. Not sure how the later affects changes though. Answer: We contain multitudes. Your hypnotizability profile is based on a host of factors about your brain, and it tends to reflect your natural and automatic behaviors. You also have many learned skills and qualities.
  5. From Michael Moskowitz : Where in the app do I see my type? Answer: If you’ve taken the hypnotizability test, then navigate to the Science tab to review your results. You can also retake the test as many times as you’d like.
  6. From Marianne Oivo : Is there any way someone who is not very hypnotisable can learn to be more hypnotisable, or is it a completely fixed trait? Answer: While hypnotizability is a fairly steady trait throughout adult life, we have seen that the more one practices hypnosis consistently over time, the more effective it becomes for them. You will also find that through experimenting with different types of exercises, some may have a stronger effect than others. This is because hypnotizability encompasses five different components: physiological, sensory, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. There is always something that can be gained through hypnosis — look for the aspects of it that resonate with you and work with them.
  7. From doug borge : My result said “open minded”. What profile is that? Answer: It might have been The Diplomat. You can check back on the Science tab of your Reveri app anytime to review your results, and even retake the test.
  8. From Kristóf Baier : I’m really curious about how all of what reveri does connected for endurance sports, like: triathlon? Answer: Reveri is very effective for sports performance. You can use our sessions called Prepare for your Workout, Review your Workout, and Manage Pain for this, to name a few. Endurance runners in our community have shared that the Manage Pain session can be particularly helpful in reducing or eliminating pain sensations when running long distances.
  9. From Margaret Hatch : I did the test in the past week, but I can’t recall the results…is there a way to see those results on the app? Answer: Your results are always available in the Science tab of your Reveri app. We recommend you check back frequently!
  10. From Neil Tribe : What would Dr Spiegel say to someone who keeps putting off doing the hypnotisability test in case it shows that Reverie won’t work for them. Thanks :slight_smile: Answer: The hypnotizability test will not show anyone that Reveri doesn’t work for them. On the contrary: the hypnotizability test will show everyone **********how Reveri can help them. Dr Spiegel might tell you to try the Overcome Procrastination session though :slightly_smiling_face:
  11. From David Bromberg (and many others) : where is the test in application? Answer: The hypnotizability test is on the Science tab of the Reveri app.
  12. From Lizbeth Siscar : Is is possible to have more variety on the hypnotic sessions, example to overcome career slumps, etc. Answer: Yes, of course! We always welcome feedback and suggestions from our community, so please let us know here in the clubhouse or at what exactly you need from Reveri.
  13. From Neil Tribe : Will the Reverie app and hypnosis in general help someone who is struggling to deal with the anxiety over a health issue. i.e anxiety always damaging to health but also it can shut down the person’s ability to be proactive and research their issue and find help. Answer: Most certainly! Reveri is very helpful for anxiety over specific issues. The Manage Stress session is the best one for that, as it can be used for any stressor, fear, or source of anxiety. We also have other sessions like Cyclic Sighing, Box Breathing, Be Intense Not Tense, and others that can work very well for anxiety. Even using the Control Any Habit session and selecting “behavior” or “emotion” could be effective — give it a try and don’t be afraid to experiment! Our sessions are designed to be flexible and adapt to many situations.
  14. From muzafar ahmed : How would one use hypnosis, meditation and breathing techniques in conjunction with each other ? is there rules/suggestions to do this well ? Answer: There are no rules — only what works best for you. Hypnosis (and meditation, for that matter) is an extremely personal experience. Hypnosis may work better after a meditation session because you could have a more focused, clear mind. We’re also incorporating breathing techniques into our hypnosis sessions in the app as they work together synergistically.
  15. From Marianne Oivo : Can hypnosis help with food or environmental sensitivities? Yes, definitely. Hypnosis can help with anything in the mind, body, or lived experience. I recommend reading this article on the genetics of hypnosis.
  16. From Yair Heakiau Shteinberg : Hi, is the app more efficient than a therapy with hypnotherapist? Answer: Yes, Reveri is definitely more efficient than doing in-person therapy for a few reasons: (1) You have 24/7 access to all of Reveri’s sessions, (2) No need to schedule an appointment or drive to your therapist, (3) Our sessions are relatively short, distilling a lifetime of clinical experience and research into the optimal hypnosis exercise.
  17. From Allison Labor : How about tinnitus? Answer: Yes, hypnosis can help with tinnitus too. Dr Spiegel has helped people overcome issues with tinnitus by helping them see the sound as a pleasant one, for instance. We have received some requests to create a session for tinnitus and it is something we are tracking.
  18. From Jen Sparks : Does the app work for all types? Answer: YES! This is exactly what we hope to convey through this event and the materials we put out for you all. The Reveri app works for all types of people. It is not “if,” but “how.” You have a certain brain style — thus, what is the optimal way of using Reveri to achieve the best results? Take the test, read the guidance from Dr Spiegel in the app, and follow it.
  19. From Ling Tan : Do the exercises in Reveri adjust according to the types of profile? If so, how? Answer: Not in current state, but this is an excellent idea and we should be able to create this in the future. Once you take the test and learn your profile, you should simply follow Dr Spiegel’s advice, and you can use some features to help you stay accountable. For instance, Dr Spiegel will tell you how many sessions per week to complete, so you can use our weekly target and scheduling features.
  20. From Marie Vi : (In reference to the hypnotizability test) What does it mean if it did not work for me? Answer: The hypnotizability test works on everyone. Your experience will be different from the next person’s, because hypnosis is a personal, individual experience. You will take the test, and you will get certain results. Neither is better than any other. Really pay attention to the advice from Dr Spiegel once you get your results. Focus on the aspects of the hypnotic experience that you do have.
  21. From Tiago Garcia : Is there any relationship between being left- or right-handed and the feeling of lightness in the hand? Answer: None that we’re aware of, but Dr Spiegel advises people to use their dominant hand, right or left, to induce lightness in the non-dominant hand.
  22. From Martin Maryška : Does It work also for non native EN speakers? Thanks. Answer: Yes! We have many non-native English speakers benefitting from Reveri. However, everyone’s level of fluency and comfort with English is different. The best way to know how Reveri will work for you is to try as many different sessions as you can.
  23. From muzafar ahmed : Dr Speigel… I used a sensory deprivation tank recently… is there any evidence to suggest if I did a hypnosis session in the sensory deprivation tank there would be better results ? (since I am literally floating effortlessly) Answer: No official evidence, but some people have experienced more effortless results when they are literally floating — whether in the ocean, in a bath, or in a sensory deprivation tank. Try it for yourself and let us know how it goes!
  24. From Ling Tan : When would be the best time to do it? if we’re tackling a bad habit for example, is it better to do it just before it happens, or at another time? Answer: For tackling a bad habit, it’s a great idea to do hypnosis when you are feeling the urge to do that habit, definitely. You can also try implementing a schedule, and doing the session once per day in the morning, as an example. Many people find that the more consistently the practice, the better the effects of hypnosis. It is perfectly fine to experiment and find what works best for you — in fact, we encourage it!
  25. From J D : Question … is it normal for eyes to sort of hurt when we look up before closing them? Answer: Your eyes should not hurt when you are doing the eye roll induction. Some people experience this because they are trying too hard. Don’t strain yourself — just look up as far as you can and slowly close your eyes — no need to take it any further than that.
  26. From Emilija Peciulyte : Is it correct to work on addressing multiple issues such as healthy eating, sleep, and anxiety all at once? Answer: Yes! You can work on as many different goals as you’d like simultaneously with Reveri. Hypnosis is designed to be used as-needed, so complete a session for whatever you need, whenever you need it.

There are a few more questions we will be answering soon after Dr. Spiegel’s input!

Additional Q&A:

  1. Does hypnosis relate directly with flow states?

I don’t know of any research studies about it, but having read “Flow” it seems to me that it is a variant of an hypnotic state – experiencing for the autotelic reward, not the goal. – DS

  1. Does caffeine inhibit hypnotizability in some?

It might especially if you are somewhat high strung and anxious to begin with. – DS

  1. Can hypnosis become just another addiction?

I have never seen that happen. Indeed some people who tend to be ‘poets’ may recognize their tendency to spontaneously enter hypnotic states at times and can learn to control it better. – DS

  1. Does hypnosis help with autoimmune diseases?

No studies that I know of, but at the least it might help with the reactive tension that can come with these disorders and if there is any itching involve it may help to soothe that – imagine that your touch is a soothing cream that reduces the inflammation. – DS

Thanks again everyone for all your excellent questions!

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