Anxiety Workshop with the Reveri Community

Where we went into some research about anxiety, shared a little about how hypnosis can help with stress and anxiety, and discussed tools and tactics on how to work on becoming less anxious.

Thanks to those who participated! This was our biggest event yet.


Physiological Techniques for Overcoming Anxiety:

  1. Physiological Sigh. Live exercise In recording!

  2. Panoramic View.

  3. Cyclic Sigh. Live exercise In recording! Paper:…/pdf/S2666-3791(22)00474-8.pdf

  4. Get out of your head and into your body: Exercise and movement. Stretch, walk, powerlift, etc.

  5. Ice baths anyone?

  6. Cryotherapy.

  7. Having a healthy diet.

  8. Relaxing habits like knitting or coloring.

  9. Sunlight or red light therapy.

  10. Doing simple chores like cleaning.

Mental Techniques for Overcoming Anxiety:

  1. Focus on what you’re for, rather than against. Dr. Spiegel (Reveri’s Cofounder)'s number one philosophy. You can’t do a don’t. How do you want to feel, instead of anxious?

  2. Jump forward on your timeline to release your anxiety (live exercise in recording).

  3. Name the emotion. Journal, talk to a friend or therapist, vent It out. Once you’ve done that, relinquish It into the world – don’t dwell or ruminate.

  4. Accept and welcome your anxiety. Don’t fight or resist It. Find comfort within it and understand Its biological purpose.

  5. Listen to happy music or read happy books.

  6. Combine any and all of these techniques that work for you. Our anxiety Is unique, just like we are. Some people prefer mental techniques, others prefer physiological, and some (like me) enjoy a mix. It might be best to incorporate these techniques Into your regular life as a preventative, vs. waiting for the anxiety onset.

Reveri Self-Hypnosis Exercises for Anxiety

  1. Relieve Stress

  2. Focus on What’s Fixable

  3. Calm Control

  4. Keep Cool

  5. Problems as Invitations

  6. Embrace Discomfort

  7. Breathe Better

  8. Float On

  9. Soothe your Body

What Does the Science Say?

  • Anxiety is the most common mental health symptom in the US. More than 1/4 adults in the US will meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder in their lifetime.

  • While experiencing some stress and anxiety symptoms is normal throughout life (and even can have helpful outcomes sometimes, see more:, the clinical threshold (a disorder) is where such symptoms persist to the point of distress and interference with daily life.

  • A recent meta analysis found hypnosis to be a highly effective way of reducing anxiety. People who received hypnosis showed more anxiety reduction than 79% of those who received some other form of treatment, and more than 84% at the longest followup after treatment ended (meaning it’s a sustainable solution).

  • The authors of the meta analysis argued that hypnosis might even be more effective than mindfulness meditation for anxiety.

  • It was also found that hypnosis reduced anxiety even more when combined with treatment like CBT.

  • Hypnosis is safer than most medications, easy to try, and significantly reduces anxiety even if you are already receiving relevant treatment.

Learn more:

Much more was discussed, including questions asked in the chat and feedback provided about Reveri.


If you attended the workshop, or watched the recording, please comment below: One learning or reflection from the workshop, and/or one additional question or piece of feedback about It (something we didn’t answer? Something you wish Reveri offered?).

Thank you all so much for your participation! This was a wonderful discussion. We look forward to seeing you at the next one.