Do you find value in the 1-minute Quick Relief sessions? Discuss!

It makes perfect sense! Thank you so much for sharing this. I know exactly what you mean about the Calm Control session. I’ve had that experience too! Remember it can be a simple or complex situation, very recent or a very long time ago. Sometimes what I do, if I’m struggling to conjure up a memory about a time when I was calm and strong, is one of the following:

  1. Remember a time when I was NOT calm and strong, but could have been. What would it have felt like then?
  2. Come up with a totally imaginary future scenario in which I’m calm and strong. What does that look like and feel like?

We’re constantly having new experiences, which are new opportunities for “material” to be called upon in self-hypnosis. Btw, did you catch our Anxiety Workshop? Not sure if it would help with anything related to Calm Control but I thought it might.