Emotional Relief

I wonder if it would be possible to have a guided mediation to help deal with triggering emotions such as anger, sadness and grief.
Thank you!

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Would be happy to explore this! Have you tried Keep Cool? This one helps me with anger. It is a Quick Relief one. Interested to hear your feedback.

We also have Control Any Habit, which can be used for unwanted emotions. Have you given this a try?

We just released a session on managing grief! It is in the latest version of your app.

Very eager to hear your thoughts on all of the above. If they miss the mark for you, please let me know what would work better for you. The more details, the better, so that we can work on creating something that you actually benefit from!

Thank you Shelby,

I am struggling with negative emotions, not just stress. So maybe a quick relief for sadness, negative thought patterns, guilt, remorse, shame, and the likes. And a longer session for emotional resetting or rewiring?

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Hi, how do i find Keep Cool exercise

Its in the Quick Relief section.

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