Do you find value in the 1-minute Quick Relief sessions? Discuss!

This is a common topic among our community. Let’s discuss! Do you find value in the 1-minute Quick Relief sessions? Why or why not? Share below!


Only if used in combination of longer Pain relief sessions.


I don’t, feels like I just get ready and then its over. A mid point of 4-5 min might be a good option?


Oh that’s interesting! Thanks for sharing. Which of the Quick Relief do you use in combination with the longer Manage Pain session, and do you use them back to back, or another way?

I understand. Thanks for sharing! We are actually working on bringing sessions around 4-6 minutes into the app, as shorter versions of the existing full-length exercises. Stay tuned for that! We’re also going to make some of the Quick Relief slightly longer by making them interactive.


Hello! I do find helpful some of them. For example welcome challenges or find solutions. I find them pretty straight forward and they help me. I often use those. I tried “calm control” but when it says "remember when you were both calm and strong“ (something like that) I just could not come up with a time I felt that way. So I felt bad because of it. I am trying to think before hand of a time when I felt strong and calm, to have it ready next time I use it. There are other ones in the celebrate yourself section that require a quick recall of a positive experience and I have trouble with that. I guess I still stuggle with low self steem. On the contrary, I love change means mastery, or you are ready to face new challenges. I hope that this makes sense. :sweat_smile:


It makes perfect sense! Thank you so much for sharing this. I know exactly what you mean about the Calm Control session. I’ve had that experience too! Remember it can be a simple or complex situation, very recent or a very long time ago. Sometimes what I do, if I’m struggling to conjure up a memory about a time when I was calm and strong, is one of the following:

  1. Remember a time when I was NOT calm and strong, but could have been. What would it have felt like then?
  2. Come up with a totally imaginary future scenario in which I’m calm and strong. What does that look like and feel like?

We’re constantly having new experiences, which are new opportunities for “material” to be called upon in self-hypnosis. Btw, did you catch our Anxiety Workshop? Not sure if it would help with anything related to Calm Control but I thought it might.


Thank you Shelby!!! This is so helpful, I’ll do exactly what you suggest. Brilliant! And out of nowhere I remembered when I was calm and strong and the funny thing is that I did prepare for that meeting using self hypnosis.
Because of work, I can not attend any Friday’s events. I will check out the anxiety workshop. Thanks for reminding me.


Yes, I am using them when I am prompted. I am going to look into using them when I am not stressed and use them to remind myself. Yesterday I went through some depression related to old childhood wounds. I will try to use the app when I am sad.


Oh no, I’m sorry to hear those childhood wounds came back up for you recently. Interestingly, although hypnosis can be very effective for depression, grief, trauma, etc…, we don’t have any exercises specifically targeted at these challenges. I’d be very curious to know which (if any) of the Quick Relief sessions help you with sadness. Granted, there is a much wider range of Quick Relief sessions, and they can be used for so many use cases. I hope you are feeling better today! :orange_heart:


I find that the “Soothe your Body” 1 min quick relief session does wonders when I feel a mini panic attack mounting (this happens sometimes to me on public transport).

The session is quick but it relaxes me as soon as I get to the “imagine your body floating part”, and the rest of it is very soothing too.


Yes, I would use them if 3-5 minutes. But it feels like drifting into a cat nap and then getting snapped awake just as am relaxing.


I do find relieve in the 1-minute quick relieve sessions. There was one moment where Dr. Speigel said “only focus on what you can control” and that shifted my mental state so quickly to one of productive stress rather than feeling hopeless.


I just started as a member yesterday, and did all the one minute sessions in one sitting, just to see what they are like. I found it enjoyable and relaxing to do them in this way, but I think that more time given to the purpose of the session would be more helpful if one is looking for a specific kind of relief.


I use the float on, draw the line and soothe your body sessions at work. I find them helpful when i am in a hurry and i need to prepare for or unwind from a challenging situation. Sometimes i use float on exercise just to chill for a bit :grin:


I LOVE Float On, it’s my favorite! Love it for leaving behind a stressful situation.


I feel the time for any reverie hypnosis should be of minimum 15 minutes duration

Not so much, too short, a bit annoying. At times can be helpful but rarely.

Well. They are awfully short. I do dip into them from tome to time. What I really would like is a longer option. Sometimes I want to take more time once I drop into a place I find soothing and comforting. There is generally so much information in the sessions it is hard to stay focused and “get” all of it. Particularly if I am very stressed.

I wrote a little bit about this in another topic, but I would just like to say that I think I almost like the 1 minute sessions more than the longer sessions. Partly they are much easier to use in a busy workplace – finding 1 minute alone can happen much more frequently than finding 5-13 minutes alone.
But also because they are so direct and so well-worded. The words stay with me afterwards.

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