Which sports do you use hypnosis to prepare for?

We’re having an event next week around hypnosis for sports (and business) performance! What sports are you practicing with self-hypnosis at your disposal?

I’ve seen members say they use Reveri for martial arts, golf, running, swimming, and general weight training. Reveri’s co-founder does adventure sports like windsurfing and foiling, and he’ll be at next week’s event to share how to use self-hypnosis for athletic performance. We want to know how you’re using Reveri!

Hi, I’ve recently started using the menu of sports performance sessions. Like another user who posted, I find I need more time to visualize my practice, corrections, improvements etc. Suggestions?

Hi everyone
I also do ‘adventure’ sports like surfing, wavesailing and foiling. To be honest the sports performance programs have been less helpful for me than the ‘tackle any habit’, with which I’ve had amazing results.

The habits I’ve tackled so far have been fear, pulling back, underestimating myself.

Result; way higher performance, im astonished and stoked!